Summary of Catholic Holidays
- January 1 – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – This feast honors Mary’s role as the Mother of Jesus and is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church.
- February 2 – Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) – This feast commemorates when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple, fulfilling Jewish law.
- February 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes – This day marks the Marian apparition to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France, in 1858, known for miraculous healings.
- March 5 – Ash Wednesday – The first day of Lent, where Catholics receive ashes on their foreheads as a sign of repentance and mortality.
- March 19 – Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary – A day honoring St. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus and the patron of workers and the Church.
- March 25 – Annunciation of the Lord – This feast celebrates the Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she would conceive and bear the Son of God.
- April 13 – Palm Sunday – The beginning of Holy Week, commemorating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as people waved palm branches.
- April 17 – Holy Thursday – This day marks the Last Supper, when Jesus instituted the Eucharist and washed the disciples' feet.
- April 18 – Good Friday – The solemn commemoration of Jesus’ crucifixion and death, observed with fasting and prayer.
- April 19 – Holy Saturday – The day of silence and waiting before Easter, remembering Jesus’ body resting in the tomb.
- April 20 – Easter Sunday (Resurrection of the Lord) – The greatest feast in Christianity, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and victory over sin and death.
- April 27 – Divine Mercy Sunday – Instituted by St. John Paul II, this day emphasizes God’s infinite mercy, inspired by St. Faustina’s visions.
- May 29 – Ascension of the Lord – This feast marks Jesus' return to heaven 40 days after His resurrection, commanding His disciples to spread the Gospel.
- June 1 – Ascension (if moved from May 29) – In some places, Ascension is celebrated on this Sunday instead of Thursday.
- June 8 – Pentecost Sunday – The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, often called the "birthday of the Church."
- June 15 – Holy Trinity Sunday – A celebration of the mystery of one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- June 19 – Corpus Christi – A feast celebrating the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, often marked by processions with the Blessed Sacrament.
- June 27 – Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – A day devoted to Jesus’ divine love and mercy, symbolized by His Sacred Heart.
- June 29 – Feast of Saints Peter and Paul – Honoring the two great apostles who laid the foundation of the Church in Rome.
- August 6 – Transfiguration of the Lord – The moment when Jesus revealed His divine glory to Peter, James, and John on Mount Tabor.
- August 15 – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – The belief that Mary was taken body and soul into heaven, a Holy Day of Obligation.
- September 8 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Celebrating the birth of Mary, who was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus.
- September 14 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross – Commemorating the discovery of the True Cross by St. Helena and the victory of Christ’s sacrifice.
- November 1 – All Saints' Day – A Holy Day honoring all saints, known and unknown, who are in heaven.
- November 2 – All Souls' Day – A day to pray for the faithful departed, asking God’s mercy for souls in purgatory.
- November 23 – Christ the King Sunday – The last Sunday of the liturgical year, recognizing Christ as the ruler of all creation.
- December 8 – Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – The dogma that Mary was conceived without original sin, a Holy Day of Obligation.
- December 12 – Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – Celebrating Mary’s appearance to St. Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531, an important feast for Hispanic Catholics.
- December 24 – Christmas Eve – The vigil of Jesus’ birth, often celebrated with Midnight Mass.
- December 25 – Christmas (Nativity of the Lord) – The birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bringing salvation to the world.
- December 28 – Feast of the Holy Family – A day to honor Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as the model of a loving and faithful family.